Posts Tagged ‘littekens


Littekens (“Scars”) feature film

Meanwhile, our feature film Littekens (“Scars”, Director: Martin Beek) – shot on Red Scarlet & Canon glass – has been doing well in Asia (Hong Kong), Washington and will feature at the West Virginia Filmmakers Festival next month.

Littekens scars nominated selected official selection film festival international thriller martin beek marvels Littekens scars nominated selected official selection film festival international thriller martin beek marvels Littekens scars nominated selected official selection film festival international thriller martin beek marvels

And with that event, the festival season is over for Littekens and we’ll start focusing on further distribution! Keep an eye out for Littekens!

Meanwhile, if you want to see the full movie now, it’s available on Vimeo on Demand here: (with trailer and English subs).

Movie film feature Littekens scars nominated selected official selection film festival international thriller martin beek marvels

Website: (Dutch)
Vimeo page with trailer:
Facebook (English) page:
Facebook (Dutch) page:


Our new feature ‘Littekens’ premiered!

Marvels Film is proud to present it’s first feature length movie: Littekens!

Littekens (“Scars”) is a Dutch thriller by director Martin Beek and has been produced by Marvels Film and Disturbing Pictures, the Netherlands.

Read more about this great movie @ IMDb:     give us some “Likes” on IMDb (“rate”) it will help us tremendously during the upcoming filmfestival route!

Martin Beek and Patrick Huiberts. Directors of the new Dutch feature film Littekens

Directors Martin Beek and Patrick Huiberts on the premiere of Littekens. Cinema Industry – Veghel, the Netherlands






Brief update by Martin Beek

Hello followers and fans! 😉

I hope you’re all doing well!  I know, i’ve been silent for some time now. It’s not you, it’s me..!


Martin Beek en Roland Jacobs op de set van nieuwe Nederlandse speelfilm LittekensSince april 2012 i’m involved in directing and filming a new Dutch feature film called “Littekens” (English: Scars), using Red cameras and a lot of other new gear we had to get used to.

I turned 50 last year and despite that, and having over 25 years of film making experience, the new digital cinema cameras and techniques freaked me out, got me down, picked me up and eventually gave us the most beautiful images i’ve ever pulled from a camera!

Another few shooting days and principal photography is over, so editing can commence…  More info in Dutch on and and



FriendWeb Nederland, nieuw sociaal netwerk voor en door nederlanders

I have also worked in parallel on a new script for a short movie to shoot next year AND – for my Dutch friends – got involved in creating a new Dutch social networking website “FriendWeb” ( ) that is targeted towards Facebook dropouts 😉 -> FriendWeb has (at least) two great pros for creative people: very loose rules towards content (->Dutch law) and – in sharp contrast to Facebook – your content stays yours and is provided following the most restrictive Creative Commons license.




Just give me some time to complete my current feature film project and i promise to get back to you with some very interesting stuff on digital film making..!






Editing Dutch feature film on FCPX

It seems that I’m the only cinematographer besides the Coen brothers, who uses FCPX for feature film editing. Or aren’t I?

With the release of FCPX 10.0.8 last night, Apple hopes to inspire professional editors to start using or previous lost souls to return to using Final Cut Pro.

After four days of editing with the previous version 10.0.7, I was really fed up with some interface stuff and bugs, so this update is no day too soon!

I have high hopes and expectations and I’ll share my FCPX 10.0.8 experiences soon!

Martin Beek
(Ps: Dutch feature Littekens: imdb)


Littekens (“scars”) teaser one of four

This is teaser one, of four, of my new Dutch feature film  Littekens (English: Scars). The four teasers will form the complete trailer in april.

Littekens (Scars) (fall 2013):

In her search for her biological father, after a long journey eastbound, Suzanne discovers a shrouded and horrifying part of her own past, that turns her greatest dream into a dark nightmare.
Check and (please) like



Website relaunch for Dutch feature Littekens (“Scars”)

I’m glad to announce that the new website for the Dutch feature film in production “Littekens” (2013) has been officially re-launched in it’s final form:

The site is in Dutch, but i think you’ll like the images. Stills taken from quick grading Red raw footage (4K).




Some nice new pictures

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Littekens (“Scars”) feature film in production

Littekens de film. chantal demming. fred van kaam. leroy smeenk. martin beek. marlou van kessel.Dear readers.

I have neglected you all the first months of 2012 and i apologize! Over 40 discussions and posts need my attention and i’ve finally found the time to do so.

We started pre-production of my first feature film “Littekens” – Dutch for “scars” – last year, and we’re now rounding off casting and hiring. We’ll start principal photography in may.
There is a temporary website at and a Facebook page at – all in Dutch.

It’ll be a busy year for me and i’ll absolutely try to post some interesting material here. For one, we’ll do a lot of Red camera tests and experiments that will be worth blogging about.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and/or reply to posts – i’ll try to get back to you a.s.a.p.!


Martin Beek.

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